Fresh Art from the Daylily Farm
5 x 7" oil on panel
I captured this scene at the Top o' the Hill Daylily Farm outside Oxford, Ohio. Did you know there are thousands of varieties?
Frequent posting of new oil paintings in small format. Expose yourself to art!
Anyone in Cincinnati will recognize the bridge in the background. Every artist I know has painted the bridge over Twin Lakes in Eden Park. To avoid painting a scene that has been painted so many times, I walked around to the side where I could see the bronze fisher statue. This poor goose has caught a fish, but can't swallow. His neck has been cinched by the fisher, who retrieves the catch of the day.
This is the Monday edition of my daily paintings. It's another oil painting on a 5x7" panel.
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This is the Friday edition of my daily paintings. It's another oil painting on a 5x7" panel. Working with a palette knife can be tedious at this size, but it keeps me from getting too "tight" with my work.