Fresh Art from Hilton Head Island!
Flat beaches make great mirrors, especially on a cloudy day.
Frequent posting of new oil paintings in small format. Expose yourself to art!
Fresh Art from Santorini Island, Greece!
In a place that is blinding with its brilliant blue sky and reflective white architecture, this nun's flapping habit made a startling contrast.
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Fresh Art from Bar Harbour!
This painting was intended as a 5 x 7", and maybe someday it will be. For now, I like the composition as it is. My friend, Mary can be seen in the background. You can almost hear her saying,"I'll have what she's having." You can take than any way you wish.
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Fresh Art with a cuppa Joe!
This is part of a series of coffee mug paintings done mostly with palette knife. Need a splash of color in your breakfast nook? This little painting fits neatly in any 5 x 7" photo frame.
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Fresh Art from the Ohio River!
Nostalgia brings thousands of people to the riverfront for Tall Stacks. Some of them are full of steam, like the boats. Others just want to "set a spell."
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Fresh Art from Eden Park!
OK. It's not this snowy in Cincinnati - yet. This painting was donated to Artworks' anonymous post card benefit. Hopefully the painting sold last weekend and helped raise funds for a very worthwhile arts organization here in town.